Step into 19th century Paris through Albert Edelfelt’s masterpiece "Luxembourg Gardens, Paris" (1887). Watch as we explore this stunning oil painting that became a symbol of Finnish art during Paris’s golden age. Discover the charming scene of affluent Parisian life - from children playing with wooden hoops to distinguished nurses in their signature robes and ruched hats and watch how he captured the fleeting moments of a sun-drenched summer day using impressionistic techniques while maintaining his distinctive attention to detail. Next time you visit Helsinki, spend time in front of the work at the [Atheneum Museum,]
Duration : 3m Maturity Level : all
Step into the boisterous world of Jan Steen’s masterpiece, where a family’s rowdy celebration becomes a clever moral lesson. Watch as we explore this lively scene where three generations throw caution to the wind – singing, smoking, and making merry in ways that would raise eyebrows even today!
Step into 18th-century France with Jean Siméon Chardin’s mesmerizing "Soap Bubbles" (ca. 1733-34). Watch as we explore this captivating painting where a young man delicately blows a soap bubble while a child watches in wonder. Discover how Chardin transformed a traditional Dutch vanitas theme into an intimate slice of everyday life through his revolutionary painting technique. And next time you are in New York, go and see it at the MET.
Duration : 4m Maturity Level : all