Camilo Rodriguez
In this Mapuche myth, the powerful serpents TREN-TREN and KAI-KAI, daughters of the pillanes, protect the earth, highlighting the destructive relationship between human beings and environment. KAI-KAI reacts to the destruction of nature perpetrated by men. Faced with requests for help, TREN TREN confronts him to protect them and seek a new balance. This short film is part of the movie “Namunmu Zomo - Mujer de pie” about the life of Luisa Calcumil.
TREN-TREN, KAY-KAY, Mapuche, cosmogonic, myth, tren-tren y kay-kay, camilo rodriguez, art, artplatform, videoart, visualart, climateaction, climateinitiative, cop27, copart