Duration: 00:04:19
Categories: Slow Art ,Modern Art
Tags: Dancing, during, the, Belle, Époque, Cheret, , Degas, , Van, Gogh, , Toulouse-Lautrec, Cheret, Degas, Gogh, france, 16_2533_dancing_belle_époque_0419_p14_v2.mp4 dancing during the belle Époque is a set of several artworks from various artists with the subject of dancing. folie bergére by jules cheret, located now in the ferrers gallery in london, uk; cafe concert at les ambassadeurs by edgar degas that is located in the musée des beaux-arts in lyon, france; dancing at the moulin rouge by henri de toulouse-lautrec that is now in the musée d’orsay in paris, france. from henri de toulouse-lautrec, this movie also shows yvette guilbert singing linger, longer, loo now in the pushkin museum in moscow, russia and la goulue at the moulin rouge from the musée des arts decoratifs in paris; from the musée d’orsay by vincent van gogh, the masterpiece the dance hall at arles., woman, women