Georgia Kyriakakis

In her work, Georgia seeks to explore situations of strength and fragility, balance, and instability, present in nature, politics, social relations, and the world of work. Such relationships arise from visual poetic approximations with Geography - a wide and comprehensive area of ​​knowledge that animates the artist’s creative impulse and determines the choice and variety of means and materials used in her works. Objects, materials, words, spaces, and the meticulous articulation between the elements of the work are ways of highlighting the relationships between the virtuality of the image and the concreteness of the world. "Gaza Strip" is a set of rows of rounded stones on which a red line is drawn. It can be said that the Gaza Strip is a drawing on stone. But the title, the (military?) arrangement of the stones, the circular shape of the design and the same height at which it is made on the stones, suggest an articulation. It stimulates the mark left by a red liquid (blood?) on the surface of the stone. As the title itself indicates, the work refers to the violence and the historic war waged between Palestinians and Israelis in this small region of the Middle East. Just like the memory of historical facts and the conflict itself, the red line drawn on the stone, exposed to the weather and the passage of time, gradually fades, becomes almost imperceptible, but never completely disappears. Periodically it reappears, just like the conflict that seems to never end... It reappears strong and forcefully to remind us above all that the marks of violence are always indelible. Geórgia Kyriakakis,1961, born in Ilheús, lives and works in São Paulo.

Duration: 00:04:38

Tags: Georgia, Kyriakakis, georgia_kyriakakis_corte_04_mix_cor_final_220906.mp4