As fire ravages the countryside creating an apocalyptic atmosphere, on the shores of the sea bathers watch the hypnotic ballet of Canadair aircraft coming to fill up with water. A eucalyptus tree whispers about its power of resilience in the face of climate changes which are disrupting the planet. ‘Hibakujumoku’ in Japanese designates the trees which have survived the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. One of these is a eucalyptus tree. The Eucalyptus is also a tree which has over the course of millenia developed strategies of survival and adaptation in the face of fires. It has become a pyrophyte.
Hibakujumoku, hibakujumoku, hhybrydd, art, artplatform, artspeaksout, artworld, artwork, artplatformclimatechange, climatejustice, artinitiative, climateinitiative, climateaction, copart, cop27, videoart, visualart